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Outlook / Teams integration - Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook

If you do not have the Teams meeting button in Outlook, make sure you have the latest updates installed for Outlook, then install Teams again.

Har du ikke Teams møteknapp i Outlook må du verifisere at du har siste versjon av Outlook og Teams installert.


Download Teams from


Run the installation


MAC / OSX Special Note

The Teams Meeting button in Outlook for Mac will appear in the Outlook for Mac ribbon if Outlook is running the correct production build and is activated with a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 client subscription. Check the below link to see which version your Outlook has to run. Check your Outlook to verify you have the correct or newer version. Check for updates by clicking Help -> Check for updates.



Using Teams

Conversation - How to reply

When you reply to a message it’s a structural advantage if you reply directly to the message instead of publishing a new post. See example below.

Når du svarer på en melding i Teams er det en fordel om du svarer direkte på meldingen og ikke skriver et nytt hovedinnlegg (Se nedenfor hvor du burde svare).
Fordelene med dette er at det gjør det lettere å finne gamle samtaler, samt holde gruppechatten ryddig.

Group Chat

Team Members

Click "..." next to the team name then click as outlined by the numbers below

Share files in a Team / Channel

Upload a file to a folder structure under a channel, or find the relevant file in the folder structure, click as outlined by the numbers below

Last opp eller finn filen i eksisterende mappestruktur, klikk som anvist og kopier ut lenken til filen

You CAN share a file by drag and dropping the file directly to a Team, Channel or Chat, but this results in chaos.

Det er mulig å dele filer ved å enkelt dra de inn i en chat, men dette resulterer i kaos i mappestrukturen og anbefales ikke.


Audio / Video settings

Good to know

  1. Calling someone from Teams to their phone number moves the conversation out of the "teams" universe and on to the mobile network. No smart functions like video, chat, desktop sharing or other will work. Just voice.

  2. Answering an incoming call on the mobile phone, not the Teams app on the phone, gives the same limitations as above.

  3. To connect to the conference equipment, see this howto

Check sound / video settings before starting the meeting

A classic is wasting precious minutes waiting for someone to fix their sound or video settings. Avoid this by checking the settings in Teams before starting the meeting.

  1. Click the Initials icon(1) , then Settings (2)

  2. Move to Devices (1) and make sure the correct Audio and Video device is selected. If you are connected to, lets say a Logitech meeting device, select the device with "Logi" in its name. The same applies for Video and Microphone.

  3. You should now be good to go. Make a test call (5) to verify everything works.

Change sound / video settings in call

Problems in a call ? Click as instructed in the image below to change to another audio / video device.


Transfer a Teams call to a phone

Not possible.


Set up meeting through Outlook


  1. Open Outlook, and go to your calendar (1).

  1. On the Home tab, in the Teams section, select New Teams Meeting (2). If you don't see the Teams Meeting section, then you need to install Teams.



Create a Meeting by clicking via the Mail or Calendar View








Locate the Teams button and click it, meeting details should populate the window


Host a meeting with an open meeting time

By sending the meeting details in a separate e-mail you can

  • edit the appearance of the invite

  • host an open meeting without a set start time

  • not send the meeting details to the recipients through a normal calendar invitation

  1. Add the meeting as normal, but add only one attendee; yourself. Save the meeting.

  2. Open the meeting from the calendar, select and copy the details for the meeting (see picture below) and paste this information in the e-mail you want to send to the recipients.

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