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Outlook / Teams integration - Teams Meeting add-in in Outlook
If you do not have the Teams meeting button in Outlook, make sure you have the latest updates installed for Outlook, then install Teams again.
Har du ikke Teams møteknapp i Outlook må du verifisere at du har siste versjon av Outlook og Teams installert.
Download Teams from
The Teams Meeting button in Outlook for Mac will appear in the Outlook for Mac ribbon if Outlook is running the correct production build and is activated with a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 client subscription. Check the below link to see which version your Outlook has to run. Check your Outlook to verify you have the correct or newer version. Check for updates by clicking Help -> Check for updates.
Når du svarer på en melding i Teams er det en fordel om du svarer direkte på meldingen og ikke skriver et nytt hovedinnlegg (Se nedenfor hvor du burde svare).
Fordelene med dette er at det gjør det lettere å finne gamle samtaler, samt holde gruppechatten ryddig.
Group Chat
Team Members
Click "..." next to the team name then click as outlined by the numbers below
Share files in a Team / Channel